by EMF Neutralizer | Jun 11, 2023 | Scientific Studies
Your blood carries out several important functions to ensure your wellbeing and survival, such as providing oxygen to cells, distributing nutrients, and eliminating waste products from the body. If its effectiveness is impaired, then it can result in illnesses. This...
by EMF Neutralizer | Jun 5, 2023 | Scientific Studies
As wireless technology and cell phone usage continues to become more globally widespread, scientists are increasingly recognizing the need to explore the role of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation, cell phone EMF radiation in particular, in the development of...
by EMF Neutralizer | Jun 4, 2023 | Aulterra
It is no mystery that the modern world is powered by electricity and we that choose to live in it surround ourselves with the electrically powered conveniences of modern technology. The unfortunate by-products of such a lifestyle are the result in an ever-present...
by EMF Neutralizer | Mar 12, 2023 | Aulterra Supplement
Significant Enhancement of Pharmaceutical Ingredients via the Principle of Negative Entropy with Aulterra Enhance In this article, we report a new, remarkably effective, chemically inert substance, Aulterra Enhance, which has a unique mode of action that causes...