As wireless technology and cell phone usage continues to become more globally widespread, scientists are increasingly recognizing the need to explore the role of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation, cell phone EMF radiation in particular, in the development of certain cancers and other health related issues.
Over the past decade, evidence shows that habitually talking on a cell phone may encourage the growth of tumors in the brain as well as throughout nervous system.
It seems that recent research on cancer rates may support this possibility. A study published in 2018 shows that the incidence of glioblastoma (an aggressive malignant brain tumor) in the United Kingdom has more than doubled from 1995 to 2015.
An Increase in Cancer Rates
Modern medicine has allowed us to overcome many health ailments that once were considered deadly, however, some diseases have increasingly become more common, especially in first-world countries with Cancer being the second leading cause of death for people of industrialized nations (with heart disease being number 1 on the list).
Research done at the University of Manchester suggests that these genetic mutations were very uncommon in earlier millennia.
Researchers have studied hundreds of ancient Egypt mummified remains and found only one incidence of cancer. References to cancer in literature from that time period is also very rare.
Professor Rosalie David suggests that cancer is“a man-made disease, most likely caused by pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle”.

Some may refute this connection by attributing the rise in cancer rates longer life spans than that of the ancient Egyptions. The result of a longer lifespan must mean more chances for errors to occur as our cells continue to replace themselves.
These errors can build up in our bodies over longer life spans and when unchecked, eventually results in a tumor.
While growing older can undoubtedly increase cancer risk, this cannot explain the rising cancer rates in children and adolescents.
The National Cancer Institute has found that cancer rates have increased by 27 percent in children 19 and under since 1975. And brain and nervous system tumors are the second most common type of cancer for children.
While child cancer diagnoses only account for 1 out of every 100 new cases in this country, the fact that we’re seeing such a significant increase in a population that is lacking the disease’s greatest risk factor means it’s likely that environmental factors are to blame.
Recent Findings: Exposed Rats with Malignant Tumors
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) published the findings of a 10-year study in 2018 that exposed approximately 3,000 rats and mice to varying levels of cell phone radiation.
The purpose of the study was to test the widely-held assumption that cell phone radio frequency radiation could not cause cancers or other adverse health effects because non-ionizing radiation didn’t contain enough energy to break chemical bonds in our cells.
The NTP labeled this research as ”the most comprehensive assessment, to date, of health effects in rats and mice from exposure to RFR.”
The subjects (rats and mice) were exposed to Radio Frequency (RF) radiation for 9 hours a day in 10-minute increments, using 2G and 3G frequencies and modulations. The exposure levels were varied, with the lowest threshold equal to the highest level currently acceptable for local tissue exposure in humans from cell phone radiation.
These thresholds were based on the same criterion used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to establish exposure guidelines for radio-frequency radiation on humans.
The study found that male rats, in particular, had greater incidences of malignant schwannoma (a rare type of tumor that grows in the tissue surrounding nerve cells) of the heart, which positively correlated with increased exposure levels. In both genders of rats, heart tissue damage was also observed, as well as the occurrence of tumors in the brain, prostate gland, liver, and other organs. The female rats, newborns and their mothers had lower body weights when exposed to higher levels of RF radiation during pregnancy and lactation.
Scientists at the Ramazzini Institute found similar results when they tested 2,448 rats with radio frequency radiation over their lifetimes. Male rats exposed to the highest exposure of radio-frequency radiation were also found to have significantly greater risk of developing tumors in Schwann cells in their hearts.
Though NTP researchers say their findings cannot directly establish a causal relationship between RF radiation and the malignant schwannoma found in the rats, they do mention that there is a strong association and the evidence is clear. A panel of academics and pharmaceutical industry experts reviewed the findings and concluded that it did show “clear evidence of carcinogenic activity.”
In NIH’s news release, NTP senior scientist John Bucher said, “We believe that the link between radio frequency radiation and tumors in male rats is real and the external experts agreed.”
The findings by the NTP demonstrate that the assumption that non-ionizing radiation cannot cause adverse health effects is not true. Body temperatures never rose more than 1 degree Celsius, even at the highest levels, so heating as a cause of any damage from radio waves could be ruled out. It shows that regardless of the thermal heating of cells, biological changes do exist, which was previously believed to be the only way non-ionizing radiation could do damage.

Comparative Research in Humans
The rat tests by the NTP is especially concerning to the researchers because epidemiological studies already show that frequent cellphone users are more likely to develop rare brain tumors in the same kind of cells.
Scientists in Sweden analyzed and combined the results of two case-controlled studies of cell phone use as it relates to the development of glioma (a malignant brain tumor.)
The controlled studies used subjects ranging from 20-80 years of age, and recorded data on habits regarding mobile phone use (average minutes of daily use, preferred ear, what type of phone was used, etc.) was collected. The latency period (the elapse of time from the first year of mobile phone use to the time of diagnosis) ranged from 1 year to greater than 25 years.
It was found that both long-term use and heavy use of mobile and cordless phones corresponded with a greater risk for developing malignant brain tumors. The subjects developed glioma within 8 years on average of first use. 3G phones seemed to carry a greater risk than older wireless phones, although unfortunately, not enough time has passed for long-term analysis of their effects. Ipsilateral phone use (holding the phone primarily up to one ear instead of switching between both ears) also increased risk of cancer.
The chances for glioma development were higher in those who had started using wireless phones before the age of 20. This may be contributed to children and adolescents having smaller heads, thinner skulls, and their brains are still in development, thus more susceptible to neurotoxins.
In light of these findings, Swedish researchers concluded that the study “clearly shows an increased risk for glioma associated with the use of both mobile and cordless phones, a risk that increased significantly with latency and cumulative use.”
In 2014, another relevant study published looked for a possible link between cell phone usage and vestibular schwannomas (a slow-growing tumor that develops on the vestibular nerve, which connects the inner ear to the brain).
The study involved 119 patients who had previously undergone surgery to remove the schwannomas and data was collected on their mobile phone habits through a series of past use questions. Differences in tumor growth patterns and characteristics. were also examined in the subjects’ MRI scans.
Similar to the results of those of the Swedish survey: the schwannomas in those who used cell phones regularly (defined as at least once a week for 6 or more months) were significantly larger than those found in non-regular users. In addition, within the regular-use group, those who used their phones heavily (20+ minutes of talk time daily) had higher tumor rates than the subjects who talked less frequently on their cell phones.
This seems to suggest that RF/EMF radiation exposure from mobile phones encourages the growth of existing CNS tumors. It’s not as clear whether or not it increases one’s chances of developing a tumor in the first place.
This leads researchers to speculate that the thermal energy transferred to tissues near an existing schwannoma (which takes place when we hold the phone to our ear for extended periods) may encourage the growth of a tumor more rapidly.
Without More Research, Assuming the worst May Be A Safer Bet
While more research is necessary to establish a true cause-and-effect relationship between the use of cell phones and cancer, what we already do know about cell phones and EMF radiation is indicative that we should apply precautionary principles. Whenever an activity may raise threats and/or risk to human health, precautionary measures should be taken even when there isn’t overwhelming scientific evidence to support it.
When the NTP study with rats experience higher rates of malignant tumors with exposure rates just slightly higher than what is considered safe for humans, there should definitely be cause for concern.
This is especially true when we consider that the standards for safe levels of human EMF exposure is all but obsolete.
Henry Lai, from the University of Washington has studied the biological effects of EMF emissions and states that “The SAR rating itself is not meaningful… What we really need to know is at what level we begin to see biological effects. And there are several published studies suggesting it’s at much lower levels than what the FDA or FCC says is safe.”