FrequentlY Asked Questions
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Browse our most frequently asked questions and if you are still unable to find the answer to a question you have, please get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
General Questions
What are the Aulterra Products made of?
The Aulterra Products are made from a proprietary blend of paramagnetic and rare-earth elements derived from an ancient volcanic mineral deposit. This mineral deposit is the only know site of such unique elements in the world. They have been tested and proven to neutralize the harmful effects of EMFs on human DNA
What does paramagnetic mean?
The paramagnetic properties refer to its very neutral reaction to magnetic fields. Magnetic elements can be classified as diamagnetic, paramagnetic, or ferromagnetic. Diamagnetic materials are repelled by magnetic fields and ferromagnetic materials are highly attracted to magnetic fields. Paramagnetic materials are fairly neutral but hold the magnetic properties when magnetic fields are present and let go of the magnetic properties when magnetic fields are no longer present. Paramagnetic properties consist of paired electrons (coherent energy) that enhance their ability to counteract the harmful effects of EMF radiation.
How does it work?
The Aulterra products have a paramagnetic affect that react with magnetic fields smoothing out the energy wave form reducing the spikes and intensity of the radiation and EMFs. The chaotic human-made energy is retuned into a coherent, or harmonious, natural form of energy.
Will a portable EMF detector, or radiation tester, show the Aulterra products are working?
No. A portable EMF detector is great to show you where the EMFs are the worst in your environment but the readings will not change when you install Aulterra products. These products do not block EMFs, they improve the quality of the EMF signal. If they blocked the EMFs then your mobile and WiFi would no longer work! Portable radiation testers only show a change in EMF strength, not the quality of the wave form. The Neutralizer does not reduce the signal strength but instead changes the pulse tone inside the signal thereby making the emissions harmless to the human body. To test the change in the wave form of the EMF requires extremely sensitive laboratory equipment and cannot be tested by portable EMF detectors. Please refer to research studies on this website.
How do I know the Aulterra products are working?
If you are sensitive to electromagnetic fields and experience symptoms of discomfort or pain you will get immediate relief. Otherwise you can use the Kinesiology technique of muscle testing on yourself. This will determine whether or not the Neutralizer is beneficial for you.
We have a vast database of Scientific Peer Reviewed research including DNA testing and Live Blood Dark Field Microscopy that shows the effectiveness of Aulterra Neutralizing products. Aulterra’s 43 Patent Claims are based on this research and the technology of Neutralizing incoherent EMF radiation rather than blocking, removing, or absorbing EMF radiation.
What is the science behind it?
The developer, Kim Dandurand, funded a research program at Quantum Biology Research Laboratories that showed that human DNA reacted adversely to mobile phone radiation. Further tests proved that once the radiation has been retuned by the Neutralizer, it is rendered harmless to DNA and living tissue is protected. These tests have been repeated many times. The Neutralizer is patented, peer reviewed and published in an international medical journal. Scientific research has been conducted by the University of California, Sun Microsystems and the Energy Medicine Research Institute (here). Testing of Live blood analysis, Kinesiology and a Bio-feedback machine has been completed successfully. It is the only product of its kind with as much biological and engineering research.
Do Aulterra products block or absorb electromagnetic radiation?
No. Any device that blocked 100% of the EMFs from devices, such as mobile phones, would severely affect its performance and a device that was a genuine absorber would eventually become saturated, stop functioning and require replacement. Instead, the Aulterra products change the human-made cahotic frequencies into coherent, harmless frequencies – they are re-tuned into a more natural form of energy.
How long will the products last?
As Aulterra products are based on natural elements they will last indefinitely while not physically damaged. To protect the Neutralizer disc on a mobile phone stick on the back of the phone and use a protective cover. To protect the House Neutralizer USB position out of the way where it will not be bumped and damaged.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes. If you are not completely satisfied return it undamaged within 30 days with the original packaging for a full refund.
Neutralizer Discs

What is the Aulterra Neutralizer Disc?
The Aulterra Neutralizer is a small thin disk in the form of a sticker that neutralizes harmful mobile phone radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by electronic devices. It offers you complete protection from ALL electronic devices.
How do I use the Neutralizer Disc?
Peel the backing off and use it like a sticker to secure on your mobile phone or on any electronic device. Stick it on the back of the mobile, under the protective case/cover. It’s important that the sticker have direct contact with your phone.
Generally, there isn’t strategic location to place on any device. As long as the Neutralizer has good direct contact with the device, the paramagnetic earth minerals that make up the disc emit a subtle coherent energy throughout the entire device.
What devices should I consider placing the Disc on?
The Aulterra Neutralizer will work on all EMF emitting devices. For added protection use it on:
WiFi modem, Wireless Devices such as Notebooks/iPad, laptops/computers, etc., TV, Smart Meter, Smart Device/Appliance, cordless phone, Bluetooth devices, Baby Monitor, solar inverter and microwave oven.
A disc can be cut to size and stuck on earbuds such as Airpods to protect you against Bluetooth emissions. Also an Aulterra Pendant will protect you from earbud emissions.
Will using two discs on my mobile phone be even better?
Having two discs on your phone will actually enhance the neutralizing effect. The discs Neutralize the Incoherent frequencies making them a very coherent frequency that no longer causes harm to DNA as our Live Blood Dark Field Microscopy research shows. However, adding another disc can actually enhance the neutralizing power even more. Even though one disc is neutralizing the EMF’s to a very safe coherent frequency, for those who are extremely sensitive and are easily symptomatic toward EMF’s in general, we suggest doubling up on the stickers.
Will it interfere with my mobile phone's reception?
No. As it does not block the signal it will not interfere with reception or transmission.
I have the House Neutralizer. Do I still need to use the Discs on devices?
If you are using a House Neutralizer we still suggest you place a Disc on all transmitting devices such as mobile devices, Bluetooth devices, WiFi modem/devices, Smart meter and Smart devices. While the House Neutralizer neutralizes the electronic parts of the transmitting device that is plugged into the home, the device is creating ambient EMF’s inside your home so you want to place a Neutralizer Disc on the device to Neutralizer those ambient EMF’s.
Will it work on all types of mobile phones?
Yes. It will work on all makes and models. It is 5G ready and will protect you from 3G, 4G and 5G.
Will the Neutralizer work with Smart Meters?
Yes. Smart meters emit high levels of EMFs and so require a Neutralizer disc on the meter and also the use of a Whole House Neutralizer USB in the building. We also recommend the same solution for WiFi modems and other transmitting devices.
Will it interfere with "other brand" EMF protection products already in use?
No. Our products do not interfere with any other product, in fact our products usually “enhance” the other products effectiveness.
Whole House Neutralizer USB

How does the Whole House Neutralizer work?
The proprietary blend of rare-earth paramagnetic mineral powder in the Aulterra Whole House USB puts out a subtle energy field that interacts with the AC electrical current in the house wiring which changes it from a chaotic (incoherent) wave form to a coherent wave form, eliminating the harmful effects of EMF radiation.
The paramagnetic formula in the Whole House USB is specifically formulated to work with AC current in your home and is not interchangeable with the car as the Whole Car USB is formulated to work with DC current in your car.
Where should I plug the device in?
The device can be plugged in anywhere, but it must be plugged into a working electrical outlet using a standard USB adapter. With AC (Alternating Current), electrical current flows in both directions. So, strategically, the location of the USB in your home is not of concern as the subtle energy field of the rare-earth paramagnetic minerals in the Aulterra Whole House USB interacts with the homes electrical current in both directions retuning all the wiring in the home. However, due to the high EMF’s coming from your Smart Meter/Electrical Meter, it is ideal to plug the USB into a wall outlet closest to the Smart Meter/Electrical Meter. Also, being mindful to plug it in a location that does not receive a lot of traffic as to avoid getting bumped or damaged.
How many sq. metres will the device cover?
The Whole House USB will provide coverage for up to 464.5 sqm. However, if you have more than one electrical meter then you will want to have a Whole House USB for each of the meters and have them plugged into a working outlet that is being powered by each of the electrical meters.
Does the device have an indicator light?
No. Ensure that the power socket being used is functioning and switched on.
How do I know the device is working?
While there is not a functioning indicator to show that the USB is working, our product has been proven, patented, and peer reviewed to validate its effectiveness. As long as it’s plugged into a working power outlet which is switched on, rested assured that it is working.
Due to the unique nature of how Aulterra products work by Neutralizing EMF radiation rather than blocking, removing, or absorbing, an EMF meter will not be effective for testing results. We have a vast database of Scientific Peer Reviewed research including DNA testing and Live Blood Dark Field Microscopy that shows the effectiveness of Aulterra Neutralizing products. Aulterra’s 43 Patent Claims are based on this research and the technology of Neutralizing incoherent EMF radiation rather than blocking, removing, or absorbing EMF radiation.
Will the Whole House USB neutralize EMFs from devices plugged into a power strip?
Yes, provided that the Whole House USB is plugged into a working electrical outlet.
Will the Whole House USB work if it's plugged into a power board?
Yes, as long as the power board remains on at all times. If you turn the power board off you will lose current and the coherent paramagnetic energy will no longer be carried throughout the homes wiring.
Can I use the Whole Car USB in my House?
The Whole Car USB is specifically intended to work with DC (Direct Current) power. The Whole House USB is specifically intended to work with AC (Alternating Current) power. A great deal of research went into both the Whole Car and Whole House USB to find the optimum paramagnetic formula to effectively Neutralize EMF radiation in both homes and cars.
How does the device work throughout the whole house when it's only plugged into one power socket?
When the device is plugged into a working power socket, the neutralised energy at that point has a cascading effect throughout the entire electrical circuit. The neutralised electrical current flows in both directions which then flows to the electricity board in the electricity box where it passes through the ground in the panel to the other circuits. This is why we always state that it must be plugged into a ‘working outlet.’ If it’s not a working outlet then the energy may not be carried through to the electricity box and will not pass through to the other circuits in the house.
Does the Whole House USB work when I travel, like in hotel rooms?
Yes, it does. We do suggest having an extra travel Whole House USB to take along with you on your travels. Just don’t forget and leave them behind. We also recommend the Aulterra pillow! It is portable and is so useful for long car rides, air travel, etc. It is made of the same paramagnetic substances that neutralize EMFs.
Whole Car Neutralizer USB
How does the Whole Car Neutralizer work?
The proprietary rare-earth paramagnetic mineral powder in the Aulterra Whole Car USB puts out a subtle energy field that interacts with the DC electrical current in the cars internal wiring which changes it from a chaotic (incoherent) wave form to a coherent wave form, eliminating the harmful effects of EMF radiation.
The paramagnetic formula in the Whole Car USB is specifically formulated to work with DC current in the car and is not interchangeable with the home as the Whole House USB is formulated to work with AC current in your home.
Where should I plug the Car Neutralizer in?
Most newer cars have USB outlets now so plugging into any USB outlet in your car is perfect. If your car does not have a USB outlet then you can get a standard cigarette lighter USB adaptor and plug your Whole Car USB with that.
How do I know the device is working?
While there is not a functioning indicator to show that the USB is working, our product has been proven, patented, and peer reviewed to validate its effectiveness. As long as it’s plugged in your car, be assured that it is working.
Due to the unique nature of how Aulterra products work by Neutralizing EMF radiation rather than blocking, removing, or absorbing, an EMF meter will not be effective for testing results. We have a vast database of Scientific Peer Reviewed research including DNA testing and Live Blood Dark Field Microscopy that shows the effectiveness of Aulterra Neutralizing products. Aulterra’s 43 Patent Claims are based on this research and the technology of Neutralizing incoherent EMF radiation rather than blocking, removing, or absorbing EMF radiation.
What is the difference between the House and Car USB?
The Whole Car USB is specifically formulated to work with DC(Direct Current) power. The Whole House USB is specifically formulated to work with AC (Alternating Current) power. A great deal of research went into both the Whole Car and Whole House USB to find the optimum paramagnetic formula to effectively Neutralize EMF radiation in both homes and cars.
Can I use the House USB in my car?
No. The Whole Car USB is specifically formulated to work with DC (Direct Current) power. The Whole House USB is specifically formulated to work with AC (Alternating Current) power. A great deal of research went into both the Whole Car and Whole House USB to find the optimum paramagnetic formula to effectively Neutralize EMF radiation in both homes and cars.
How does the device work throughout the whole car when it's only plugged into a 12-volt power socket?
Aulterra Paramagnetic minerals work by emitting an energy though contact. The 12-volt power port/cigarette light plug comes from the battery source of your car. When the energy emits from the paramagnetic minerals through your USB/cigarette lighter port, the energy has contact with the battery which carries contact to all electronic devices in your car.
Aulterra Enhance Powder
What is the suggested use for the Aulterra Enhance?
As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 2 times daily (Enhance) or mix 1 tablespoon of Aulterra Powder once a day in 8oz of water or mix with your favorite green drink or breakfast smoothie.
Best results are attained with continuous use. Intended for nutritional use only. As with any product, discontinue use immediately if adverse affects occur and consult your doctor.
What is in the Powder/Enhance?
Aulterra Powder/Enhance contains a proprietary blend of highly paramagnetic rock powders.
Ingredients: Labradorite, Halloysite, Quartz, and Sodium Aluminum Silicate (natural inorganic mineral state).
How does the Aulterra Powder/Enhance work?
The main benefit of Aulterra Powder/Enhance is it has highly paramagnetic rare earth minerals that neutralize internal incoherent EMF’s that stay stuck in the body due to natural resistance in the body and it also neutralizes heavy metal toxins (and other toxins) in the body through a process called Ionic Exchange Rate. Incoherent EMF’s are highly attracted to Heavy Metals and visa versa. By neutralizing those EMF’s to a coherent energy wave you release that attraction and your body is able to more naturally remove and manage heavy metals. Ionic Exchange within the body is know in Eastern Medicine to align the meridians in the body and activate the Chakras which can have many healthful benefits.
Laboratory studies indicate Aulterra Powder helps:
- Activate DNA
- Enhance cellular activity
- Neutralize toxic substances
- Reverse cellular aging
Does Enhance have any side effects?
Depending on your toxicity level, you could temporarily experience the usual detox symptoms of minor headache, fatigue, and increased bowel movement frequency. As with any product, discontinue use immediately if adverse affects occur and consult your doctor.
Aulterra Energy Pendants
How do the Aulterra Pendants work?
By correcting the carcinogenic effect of positive Ionic direction, the Aulterra Pendants provides many benefits including:
- Restructuring of the Bio-field to it’s natural state.
- Promotes balance of the body meridians.
- Neutralizes EMF radiation from internal body systems restoring the natural unwinding and rewinding of DNA.
- Retunes ambient EMF’s in and around the body.
My Silver Pendant has discoloration and/or is tarnished. Is this normal? (this does not refer to the Heart or Pillar pendant which are stainless steel)
The Aulterra EMF Energy Pendant is Sterling Silver and it is normal to have to clean and polish them every so often just like any other silver. They clean up very nicely.
If your pendant has tarnished please read this article which should answer all your questions.
Article: looking after silver (click British flag top right)
Do the Pendants block EMF's?
The Energy Pendant, like all Aulterra products do not block, remove, or absorb EMF radiation. That is one of the most unique features of how our products work and why they work so well. In fact, if you were to ‘block’ or remove EMF’s then your electronics would not perform well, if at all. Aulterra products correct the source of the problem by using a proprietary blend of highly paramagnetic earth minerals that emit a strong coherent frequency that ‘neutralize’ the incoherent (chaotic) effects of manmade EMF’s, correcting the ‘bi-product’ or manmade incoherent EMF wave, which in turn, produces a coherent (natural) biological response making those EMF’s, (including 5G) no longer harmful to biological DNA.
Can the Pendants be submerged in water?
Sea water can tarnish Sterling Silver and has a similar effect to Stainless Steel so we recommend not wearing the Pendants to the beach or even in any chlorine treated water. While the Silver can be cleaned or polished it is more difficult to clean Stainless Steel.
Will a Pendant protect me from the Bluetooth emissions from earbuds such as Airpods?
Aulterra Energy Pillow
How does the Aulterra Energy Pillow work?
By correcting the carcinogenic effect of positive Ionic direction, the Aulterra Energy Pillow provides many benefits including:
- Restructuring of the Bio-field to it’s natural state.
- Promotes balance of the body meridians.
- Neutralizes EMF radiation from internal body systems restoring the natural unwinding and rewinding of DNA.
- Retunes ambient EMF’s in and around the body.
Does the Energy Pillow block EMF's? Does it cover 5G?
The Energy Pillow, like all Aulterra products do not block, remove, or absorb EMF radiation. That is one of the most unique features of how our products work and why they work so well. In fact, if you were to ‘block’ or remove EMF’s then your electronics would not perform well, if at all. Aulterra products correct the source of the problem by using a proprietary blend of highly paramagnetic earth minerals that emit a strong coherent frequency that ‘neutralize’ the incoherent (chaotic) effects of manmade EMF’s, correcting the ‘bi-product’ or manmade incoherent EMF wave, which in turn, produces a coherent (natural) biological response making those EMF’s, (including 5G) no longer harmful to biological DNA.