Research & testing
Our Promise
Aulterra will never stop researching their products, and the amazing ways they protect the body. Their studies have time and time again shown exactly how powerful these products are. Whether it be through an independent study at a University, a peer-reviewed science journal, or even here in their own office, Aulterra is committed to showing customers not only that the products do work, but exactly how they protect the body.

” This [testing] facility is owned and operated by Sun Microsystems … This state-of-the-art facility is qualified to certify that equipment meets FCC [Federal Communications Commission] EMI emissions standards… the components [Aulterra Neutralizer] reduced the strength of the unwanted emissions by up to 15 decibels … difficult to achieve with any current technology. “
Senior Staff Engineer, Netra Systems and Networking, Sun Microsystems
Research Papers
For years, the issue of cell phone safety has been a hot topic of debate, but we now know, thanks to years of stringent laboratory research, that the Aulterra Neutralizers helps protect you from levels of radiation that negatively affect one’s health.

- The Aulterra Neutralizer protects your body by two different mechanisms: a biochemical defense response and a physical alteration of the cellular/mobile phone signal.
- The Aulterra Neutralizer weakens your mobile phone radiation frequency peaks by at least 30 percent while completely eliminating shoulder peaks.
- The Aulterra Neutralizer uses a proprietary blend of rare-earth elements to eliminate dangerous cell phone radiation.

- Your DNA winding and unwinding is increased by 40 percent after 5 minutes of cell phones use. The Aulterra Neutralizer reduces DNA winding and unwinding by 95 percent. The Neutralizer also reduces your cell phone’s radiation intensity by 50 percent.
- Cellular phone induced changes in DNA rewinding are completely reversed when you add an Aulterra Neutralizer to your cell phone.
- The Neutralizer is effective across the entire radio and microwave spectrum of radiation emitted by your cell phone.
- Your DNA is impacted by your cell phone’s radiation.

- The Aulterra Neutralizer generates a safe EMF that neutralizes the dangerous EMF from the Cell Phones.
- Your cell phone’s radiation is completely neutralized by the energy radiating from the Neutralizer.
- In scientific studies, cell phone induced changes in DNA are completely reversed when you add an Aulterra Neutralizer to your cell phone. The Neutralizer shows 100% protection.

- The Aulterra Neutralizer reduces the intensity of cell phone radiation by 76 percent.
- The Aulterra Neutralizer weakens cell phone and wireless phone radiation by reducing the intensity of signature frequency peaks. In all experiments the Neutralizer was effective across the entire radio and microwave spectrum of radiation emitted by these devices.

- The detrimental effect of EM energy from cell phones is completely neutralized when Aulterra’s Neutralizer is attached to the cell phone. In the presence of the Neutralizer there was 100% recovery of the DNA, as if no cell phone was present.
- Harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EM) from cell phones are completely neutralized by the presence of the Neutralizer.
- Your Aulterra Neutralizer offers complete protection.
- Your Aulterra Neutralizer’s highly coherent energy neutralizes the incoherent energy from cell phones.
- The Aulterra Neutralizer converts incoherent EMF to coherent EMF.
” … such reductions in EMF signals by the small Neutralizer disc are phenomenal and completely surprising … the data speaks for itself. “
Joie P. Jones
Professor of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Irvine