Aulterra Neutralizer products offer
ultimate protection
Designed to create a safe & “EMF calm” living environment. They are scientifically proven to protect your DNA.

Delighted with my Aulterra products
Because of my EMF sensitivity I have tried many devices over the past few decades with some degree of benefit, however, after using the following Aulterra Products, I have noticed increased benefits, and now cope much better, since my purchases in May 2023:
House EMF Neutralizer, EMF Neutralizer Discs, Enhance Capsules, Enhance Powder.
I was a sceptic at first and am now a believer, because I know by experience, that the products work well. Anyone who is considering purchasing Aulterra Products, I trust you will also gain rewarding results.
Thank you Richard for your prompt and courteous service, and I am happy to recommend you and your products.
Clive Richards, Brisbane

We are incredibly grateful!
I have six smart meters on my wall for the whole complex. I believe they trigger seizures in my autistic Grandson when he visits. Now that I have installed the Aulterra products he is calm, sleeps well and has no seizures! We are incredibly grateful! Thank you!”
Six months later:
“Joel has very, very few seizures when he’s here at my place regularly, and his “plug-in” is SO very obviously working, because those 6 Power Meters are still on the garage wall, which is also his bedroom wall… in my opinion… a Miracle!
Barbara Jones
Auckland, New Zealand

Symptoms have disappeared
I often experienced headaches and discomfort while talking on my mobile phone. Since attaching the EMF Neutralizer these symptoms have disappeared.
Richard Goldworth
Coolum Beach, Queensland

Peace of mind
As I no longer have a land-line, I use my mobile phone to keep in contact with family and friends. I no longer experience ear-ache or burning after long conversations. Above all else, the Neutralizer provides me with peace of mind.
Kathryn Rose
Marcoola, Queensland
LOVE this product!
The Neutralizer arrived yesterday & I immediately felt a difference (I am very sensitive), LOVE this product!
Very impressed
Eumundi Markets, QLD

Sleeping so much better with the gadget! 1,000,000 thanks xxxooo.

Pain has gone
I used to get a lot of heat from my mobile phone, and pain down my neck and right through to the opposite ear. I don’t get that anymore now that I’m using the Neutralizer
Markets Manager, Caloundra, QLD
Dramatic difference
Naturopath, Bayside Natural Health, NSW
Burning in ear is gone
Millmerran, QLD
Less irritated on my phone
Caloundra, QLD
Less agitated
Caloundra, QLD
We highly recommend this product!
Upper Caboulture
I feel grounded
Cilla Waho
Brisbane, QLD
Love them!
I use on all my devices and no more burning ears on the mobile and cordless phone. My son said he doesn’t get ear ache anymore and love them so much we bought the house plug. Highly recommended!
Caboolture, QLD
Comforting freshness
When I first plugged in the Whole House Aulterra device, I felt a comforting freshness as if burning rays were removed. I wondered if that was just my wish since the EMF meter still alarmed. I learned from Aulterra that the frequencies are harmonized by the device, yet the meter does not know the difference. I am glad that there is a solution to the ever growing frequency pollution!
It'll blow you away
I have a Neutralizer on all my cordless phones as well as my cell phone and I wont let my daughter or her friends use their cell without one. It really is the only genuine thing on the market – try muscle testing with and without one – it’ll blow you away.
I am so happy
I had problems with my eyes swelling and itching terribly every night after using my iPhone. After a week of the Aulterra protection on my phone I noticed that I was sleeping much better and my eyes were no longer swollen and itching! I am very pleased with the difference Aulterra has made in my health and my ability to sleep! I am so happy that I saw the advertisement online for this innovative health protection!
Roberta B
Parkville, VIC
Massive difference!
Wynnum West, QLD

The uses for the Neutralizers are limited only by our imagination.
There are many devices on the market claiming to provide protection against harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs), but few deliver. Finally, after some searching, I have found a source of inexpensive and effective EMF protectors. They are the Neutralizers from the Aulterra company.
Don’t let the size or thinness of the Neutralizers fool you. I affixed one onto my computer and immediately felt my shoulders relax. This was a valuable clue: it told me right away how much of my tension is based on EMF exposure rather than on emotional angst or even incorrect posture.
Several research papers on the Neutralizers have been either written or supervised by Glen Rein, PhD. Dr. Rein has been involved in a wide variety of fascinating, cutting-edge experiments that help explain healing in our multi-faceted, multidimensional universe. I respect his work highly. In fact, long before I found the Neutralizers, I followed Dr. Rein’s work. I found his studies so relevant that I discuss them in depth in Chapter 6 of my Rife Handbook. (www.rifehandbook.com)
I use the Neutralizers on anything and everything electrical: my computer, printer, TV, stereo, refrigerator, freezer, washer and dryer, dishwasher, car (inside, near the dashboard), hair dryer, and more. Anything electrical emits EMF—unless it’s specifically designed not to, which is a rarity. That’s why I buy lots of Neutralizers. I even put one on the electrical socket that’s on the wall at the head of my bed. Even though I don’t plug anything into that socket, there’s live electricity running through the wires, which negatively impacts the quality of sleep. I can really feel the difference with a Neutralizer on that socket.
Another really good use for Neutralizers is at the airport. Passing through the security devices is not good for our health, because the equipment emits ionizing radiation. To protect myself, I wear one Neutralizer in each sock, put one in each pocket, and attach one to a necklace. I feel much more balanced, and not nearly as tired, as a result of this added protection.
The uses for the Neutralizers are limited only by our imagination. Simply ask yourself: “Where is there an electrical power source, and where could I use a little more balancing?
Nenah Sylver, PhD
Writer, educator, artist and musician, USA